Preparation and aftercare are crucial aspects of ensuring safe and pleasurable experiences with anal sex, particularly for those who are trying it for the first time. Here are some important tips to consider:
Use lubricant: For women, unlike the vagina, the anus does not naturally produce its own lubricant. Therefore, it's essential to use a lubricant to reduce friction and enhance pleasure while minimizing the risk of tears in the skin. Opt for water-based lubricants, as oil-based ones like lotion can weaken condoms and increase the risk of breakage or failure.
Experiment with different types of anal touch: If you're unsure about trying anal sex, you can explore various types of anal touch to see what feels pleasurable for you. Research suggests that a significant percentage of women enjoy different forms of anal touch, including:
Anal surfacing: Sexual touch on and around the anus using a finger, penis, or sex toy.
Anal shallowing: Penetrative touch just inside the anal opening, without going deeper than a fingertip or knuckle.
Anal pairing: Touch on or inside the anus combined with other types of sexual touch, such as vaginal penetration, clitoral stimulation, or for men, caressing the scrotum or perineum or penis.
Take it easy at first. Encourage your partner to go slowly and not full penetration until your ready. Have you heard of “just the tip”. This would be a great way to start. Make sure you are comfortable until you move forward with full penetration, even if you partner is ready. They will also be ready to. 😊
Aftercare is the most important. Utilize products like “After Butt Play” by Dr. Tush’s Natural Products to provide instant relief, while providing a protective barrier that heals and protects the area against anal fissures or tears. This will help you recover faster and also get you back in the game quicker.
By experimenting with these different types of touch, you can explore your preferences and comfort levels before deciding whether to engage in anal sex. Remember to communicate openly and honestly with your partner(s) about your desires, boundaries, and any concerns you may have. And always prioritize mutual consent, trust, and respect in any sexual encounter.